> education > Cases

(Total Cases: 290) 1 of 15
No.290 Hepatobiliary [HB]- - M/82, Non-B Non-C liver cirrhosis, s/p op for HCC, referred for RFA
Which laboratory data can provide the most essential clue for the diagnosis?
Seungchul Han 2024-05-10  [0 articles]  Hit : 294
No.289 Breast- - F/41, Right breast palpable mass
What is your possible diagnosis ?
Keum Won Kim 2024-04-25  [0 articles]  Hit : 672
No.288 Head & Neck [H&N]- - F/35, palpable neck mass
What is the most likely diagnosis?
Hyun Kyung Lim 2024-04-10  [0 articles]  Hit : 577
No.287 Gastrointestinal [GI]- - F/50, Supraumbilical abdominal wall mass.
H/O Lap. uterine myomectomy (13years ago) What is your diagnosis?
Young Seo Cho 2024-03-25  [0 articles]  Hit : 320
No.286 Musculoskeletal [MS]- - M/73, Non-tendor palpable mass
Sun Joo Lee 2024-03-10  [0 articles]  Hit : 437
No.285 Genitourinary [GU]- - M/44, Bilateral scrotal swelling & pain, No heating sense
What is your diagnosis?
Myoung Seok Lee 2024-02-25  [0 articles]  Hit : 430
No.284 Pediatric [Ped]- - M/1, Congestive Heart Failure
What is the best diagnosis?
Hee Mang Yoon 2024-02-10  [0 articles]  Hit : 420
No.283 Gastrointestinal [GI]- - F/30, Incidentally found cecal subepithelial tumor on colonoscopy
What is your diagnosis?
Sanghyeok Lim 2024-01-25  [0 articles]  Hit : 414
No.282 Breast- - F/36, Right axilla palpable mass
What is your diagnosis?
Youngjean Park 2024-01-10  [0 articles]  Hit : 412
No.281 Cardiovascular and Interventional [Cvi]- - M/77, Vascular evaluation of stenosis after Non-ST elevated myocardial infarction and pulmonary edema (D; 3days)
What is the patient\'s condition when this pattern of pulse wave is observed?
Eun Ju Chun 2023-12-25  [0 articles]  Hit : 324
No.280 Hepatobiliary [HB]- - M/87, chronic liver disease
What is your diagnosis?
Eun Sun Lee 2023-12-10  [0 articles]  Hit : 345
No.279 Musculoskeletal [MS]- - M/65, Left inguinal area mass
What is your diagnosis ?
Hwang Ji Young 2023-11-25  [0 articles]  Hit : 355
No.278 Genitourinary [GU]- - M/60, Both scrotal swelling
What is the best diagnosis?
장원 2023-11-10  [0 articles]  Hit : 239
No.277 Pediatric [Ped]- - M/14, 2개월 간 지속된 cough, mild chest wall pain
What is your diagnosis?
Mi-Jung Lee 2023-10-25  [0 articles]  Hit : 406
No.276 Gastrointestinal [GI]- - M/63, Focal liver lesion detected in a patient with HBV
What is the main physical prinicple (or effect) that enables this kind of energy source for tumor ablation?
Seungchul Han 2023-10-10  [0 articles]  Hit : 338
No.275 Breast- - F/39, Palpable lump
What is your diagnosis?
Su Hyun Lee 2023-09-25  [0 articles]  Hit : 395
No.274 Head & Neck [H&N]- - M/52, Incidental imaging abnormality
What is your most likely diagnosis?
Ji Ye Lee 2023-09-10  [0 articles]  Hit : 480
No.273 Hepatobiliary [HB]- - M/76, abdominal pain, weight loss, constipation, aFP: 2.66
What is your diagnosis?
Young Seo Cho 2023-08-25  [0 articles]  Hit : 466
No.272 Musculoskeletal [MS]- - M/35, Painless palpable masses in both medial elbow
What is your diagnosis?
Sun Joo Lee 2023-08-10  [0 articles]  Hit : 491
No.271 Genitourinary [GU]- - M/25, Underlying Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Unsymptomatic testicular mass
What is your diagnosis?
Myoung Seok Lee 2023-07-25  [0 articles]  Hit : 386
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