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Journal of Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine 1994 ; 13 (2) : p.139-142

Ultrasound-guided percutaneous renal biopsy with an automated biopsy gun in diffuse renal disease
Ji Yang Kim, M.D., Jeoung Mi Moon, M.D., Ji Hyun Park, M.D., Jae Soo Kwon, M.D., Ik Hoon song, M.D., Sung Rok Kim, M.D.1
Department of Radiology, Masan Koryo General Hospital Department of INternal Medicine, Masan Koryo General Hospital1
We evaluated the effectiveness and clinical usefulness of percutaneous renal biopsy by using automated biopsygun under the real-time ultrasonographic guidance that was performed in 17 patients with diffuse renal disease. Weretrospectively analysed the histopathological diagnosis and the patients' status after percutaneous renal biopsy.Adequate amount of tissue for the histologic diagnosis could be obtained in al patients. Histopathologic diagnosisincluded the minimal change nephrotic syndrome in 6 patients, the membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis in 4,the membranous glomerulonephritis in 2, the glomerulosclerosis in 2, Ig A nephropathy in 2, and the normal findingin 1. Significant complication occurred in only one patient who developed a transient loss of sensation at andaround the biopsy site. In conclusion, automated biopsy gun was a very useful device in performing percutaneousbiopsy for diffuse renal disease with a high success rate and a low conplication rate.
Keyword : Biopsies, technology, kidney, biopsy, US guidance