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Journal of Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine 1989 ; 8 (2) : p.232-236

Ultrasound guided chorionic villus sampling
Dong Ho Lee, M.D.,
Chorionic villus sampling has received considerable attention as it allows early detection of genetic disorders within the first trimester. We performed chorionic villus sampling in 72 cases. Sampling was successful in 67 cases (93%), and unsuccessful in 5cases (7%). Of the 67 successful samplings, 66 were cytogenetically normal, and one fetal anomaly was detected (Turner syndrome; 45, X). There was one fetal loss(1.4%) following the procedure. In conclusion chorionic villus sampling is considered a safe and accurate method for early prenatal diagnosis of genetic disorder.
Keyword : placentas, US studies, Uterus,US studies, Fetus, US studies