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Journal of Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine 1989 ; 8 (2) : p.204-209

ultrasonographic findings of thyroid nodules
Eun Suk Cha, M.D.,
Sonograms in 84 patients with thyroid nodules were reviewed. The population consisted of 41 cases of adenoma, 21 cases of nodular hyperplasia, 8 cases of adenoma, 9 cases of cyst and 5 cases of thyroiditis. These sonograms were analysed in terms of their internal echogenicity, calcification, margin and peripheral halo. Calcification was discovered in 3 cases of benign disease and 3 cases of carcinoma. The margin was well defined in 70 out of the 76 cases of carcinoma. The margin was well defined in 70 out of the 76 cases (92%) with benign disease and 2 out of the 8 cases (25%) with carcinoma. A peripheral halo was visible in 51 out of 76 cases with benign diseases and 2 out of the 8 cases (25%) the carcinoma. Sonography was not useful in the tissue characterization of thyroid nodules.
Keyword : thyroid, disease, thyroid, US studies