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Journal of Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine 2000 ; 19 (1) : p.15-19

Echogenic Rim of Hepatic Hemangioma on Abdominal Ultrasound
Sang Woo Park, M.D., Chang Ho Kang, M.D., Jin Hyoung Kim, M.D., Chul Joong Kim,M.D., In Joo Cheong, M.D., Baek Hyun Kim, M.D., Sang Hoon Cha, M.D., Cheol Min park, M.D., Kyu Byung Chung, M.D.
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, College of Medicine, Korea University
PURPOSE : To investigate the association between the size of the hepatic hemangioma and the shape and thickness of the echogenic rim of hepatic hemangionma on abdominal ultrasound. MATERIALS and METHODS : We examined 47 cases (M:F=24:23. mean age 47.1) of hepatic hemangiomas with echogenic rim on abdominal ultrasound during the past 2 years. Radiologic findings were retrospectively reviewed in terms of completeness and thickness of echogenic rim. If echogenic rim showed even thickness, it was measured. But if not, the maximum and minimum thickness of the rim was measured. The association between the size of hemangioma and the completeness and thickness of the echogenic rim were analyzed statistically. RESULTS : Of the 47 cases, complete echogenic rim and incomplete echogenic rim were obtained in 29 (62%) and 18 (38%) cases, respectively. Twenty-two cases of hemangioma were less than 2 cm in diameter, and their distribution according to echogenic rim were as follows: complete echogenic rim (17/20, 91% mean thickness 2.2 mm) and uneven thickness with complete echogenic rim (3/20, 15%, range:2.0 - 6.1 mm). Twenty-five hemangiomas were larger than 2 cm in diameter and their distribution according to echogenic rim were as follows: complete echogenic rim (n=9, 34%), incomplete echogenic rim (n=16, 64%), even thickness with complete echogenic rim (3/9, 33%, mean thickness 2.2 mm) and uneven thickness with complete echogenic rim (6/9, 67%, range:2.0 - 7.6 mm). In statistical analysis, hemangiomas more than 2 cm in diameter were more likely to have incomplete echogenic rim (p<0.05) than those of less than 2 cm; hemangiomas more than with more than 2 cm in diameter and complete echogenic rim showed uneven thickness of echogenic rim (p<0.05), more often than those of less than 2 cm in diameter. CONCLUSION : Hemangiomas with more than 2 cm in diameter showed more frequent incomplete echogenic rim than those of less than 2 cm in diameter, which had more frequent complete echogenic rim. Hemangiomas with complete echogenic rim and even rim thickness were more prevalent in those with less than 2 cm in diameter. Uneven rim thickness was present more often in those with more than 2 cm in diameter
Keyword : Liver Nooplasms, US Liver neoplasms, diagnosis Angioma
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