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Journal of Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine 2000 ; 19 (2) : p.103-106

Malrotation complicating Midgut Volvulus: Ultrasonographic Finding
Young Kwon Cho, M.D. Hae Jeong Jeon, M.D.,Yong Hyun Jin, M.D., Dong Rib Park, M.D., Chang Hee Lee, M.D.
Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Kon Kuk University
The intestinal malrotation is one of diseases representing jaundice and intermittent vomitting in neonatal period and its clinincal manifestation varies from no symptom to fatal symptom requiring emergency operation. We report one case of malrotation with midgut volvulus representing “whirl pool sign ”on color ultrasound image.
Keyword : Intestines, US, Intestines, volvulus, Intestines, malrotation
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